Primary and Secondary Education
In Japan’s education system, compulsory education is an elementary school (primary education) that studies for six years after entering age at full age and ordinary education at a junior high school (first-half secondary education) to learn for the next three years.
High school (high school), technical college of high school (1 to 3 years), high school of higher vocational education, etc. are available in secondary school where secondary school after secondary school graduation (late secondary education). There, regular education that increases the individuality and ability of students based on learning up to junior high school and professional education leading to employment are carried out.
In Japan, about 97% of junior high school graduates go on to high school (college of higher education is a five-year school, three years after admission is in accordance with high school etc).
Higher Education
There are universities, junior colleges, vocational schools, technical colleges of higher education (4.5 years), etc. for higher education institutions targeting higher graduates (equivalent) or higher. The university has a four-year system (a part of the medical faculties is a six-year system), a junior college is a two-year system, and vocational schools are one to four years depending on the content to be learned. There, we will learn expert knowledge and skills to become advanced academics, technology and profession. In addition, graduate schools (master’s and doctoral courses) are set up as a place to deepen expertise in learning at universities and vocational schools.
Requirements for enrollment in higher education institutions · Graduation requirements
In order for international students to enter the higher education institutions in Japan, in principle, they must be 18 years of age or older and have completed 12 years of school education in their home countries etc. In addition, university graduation etc is conditional on graduate school (master’s course) admission.
In order to graduate from an institution of higher education, it is necessary to obtain a graduation credit unit that the course prepares and complete a lesson subject.
Japanese school opening and closing times
Japanese schools generally have their first year in April and the year until March the next year. Although some colleges and graduate schools enter the university between September and October, many are starting in April and closing in March.